To make a purchase on GR LONDON PARIS you do not need to register, however we suggest you create an account to access exclusive areas and services dedicated to our customers.
To find out the status of your order, simply sign in to your account and go to My Orders. Here you can view the status of all your orders. When your order leaves our warehouse, you will also receive an email telling you that your parcel is now on the way to your delivery address.
If you do not have an GR LONDON PARIS account, you will receive an email telling you that your order has left our warehouse.
If you have forgotten your password, request a link to reset it or follow the ‘Forgotten password’ instructions on the ‘Sign In’ page.
Depending on the status of your order, it may be possible to cancel an item. Please note, we’re unable to combine or add an item to an existing order.
If you need to make any amendments to your purchase, please contact our Client services team by email clientservices@grlondonparis.com as soon as possible and we’ll see what we can do.
Yes. When purchasing our goods outside the United Kingdom. Import duties are not included, you may have to pay additional charges to receive your item. You may need to pay duties and sales tax directly to our delivery partner to release your order from customs upon arrival. GR LONDON PARIS has no control over these charges and so can't advise on their amount.
The price you pay to GR LONDON PARIS will exclude all relevant import duties and sales taxes. As the recipient, you'll need to instead pay these directly to our carrier to release your order from customs upon arrival
Unfortunately, it is not possible to add items to an already completed order.
We hope you are satisfied with your purchase. In the unfortunate event that you are not, please contact our Customer Service at customersorders@grlondonparis.com to request a return and receive your free DHL returns label (s). Please inform us which item(s) you wish to return. The DHL label and required documents will be sent to you by email and will require printing.
If you have paid import charges or duties taxes in connection with your order (upon receipt of the order directly to the applicable authority), you acknowledge that (a) you must seek reimbursement directly from the applicable authority in your country, (b) it will be your sole responsibility to claim such import charges back from the applicable authority in your country, and (c) We cannot guarantee that such claim will be successful. If you have paid import charges upon your written request, we may exert appropriate efforts to assist you in obtaining reimbursement of such import charges.
Any delivery costs paid in connection with the order are non-reimbursable or refundable. Moreover, any return delivery and clearance costs incurred by you when returning products are non-reimbursable or refundable.
Once your return has been received by GR LONDON PARIS warehouse, and the items have been verified, we will process the return and you will receive a confirmation email.
It may take up to 10 days for the refund to be visible on your account, due to bank processing time.
As soon as your order is shipped you will receive a confirmation email with a tracking number. By clicking on the tracking number, you will be able to check the status of the shipment directly on the courier’s website.
You can check the status of your return by using the tracking number provided by our Customer Care service when you contacted them to request the return.
Once your return has been processed by our studios you will receive a confirmation email.